« Ce fut un plaisir pour moi. J’ai apprécié cette conférence tout comme d’autres conférences qui sont toujours un moment privilégié de partage d’expériences et de points de vues. Et qui font progresser la prise de conscience et l’envie d’aller plus loin ensemble. Bravo à toute l’équipe ! »
Thierry PAGÈS
Directeur régional Nord-Pas-de-Calais, ENEDIS (France)

“Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of WFRE19. I had a fantastic time and was able to connect with some brilliant people from university students to companies interested in exploring a new collaboration. It was an amazing audience and a pleasure to interact with so many forward thinking people. Thank you for supporting me in this and for helping to facilitate such a great forum! Many thanks.”
Lewis JUST
Co-fondateur, The ECO coin (Pays-Bas)

“I wanted to say thank you for involving Eco2librium and myself in the World Forum. And thank you for all your hard work. It was very humbling and inspiring to be among all the people working so hard to do good work. I hope that we can stay in touch as sometimes our world in Kenya and even in the states can feel very removed from all the action.”
Directeur et fondateur, Eco2librium (Kenya)

“I wanted to say once again what a great experience I had. Everything was so professional and impressive—from the variety of panels to the different activities arranged for the speakers. I was glad to contribute my experience for the forum—all members of our panel left it with a great feeling. Thank you for the opportunity and all the efforts put into this forum.”
Directrice, Hackaveret (Israël)

“I would like to thank you for including me in the World Forum community and for the very warm welcome in Lille! I enjoyed my session (hopefully others did so too…) and as ever, impressed with the overhaul body of work and thoughts that the forum presents. The extent and diversity of the speakers this year was extremely impressive. Many thanks (...) and looking forward to future collaboration!”
PDG, Maala (Israël)

“A quick note to thank you for this great event and to the promoters for having kindly invited me. The sessions were all inspiring and I hope the attendees will share the same view. I hope you have a good day tomorrow and that MCB will be able to participate next year in what was a very inspiring though provoking event. Thanks again for making it possible for me to be a speaker.”
Directeur général adjoint, The Mauritius Commercial Bank (République de Maurice)

“Thanks again WFRE for this invitation and the lovely welcome in Lille. Amazing conjunction and beautiful moment of discussion during this panel. Looking forward to seeing you soon somewhere...”
Fondateur, WoeLab (Togo)

“I want to thank you for inviting me to the Forum. You guys were great hosts and it was a pleasure to participate. I am returning home inspired and feeling like we are not alone in our values and goals.”
Fondateur, Bugging Denmark (Danemark)

« C'était une superbe expérience très inspirante et enrichissante. J'y ai fait de belles rencontres tant au niveau professionnel que personnel qui commencent à porter leurs fruits. Je serais ravi de renouveler notre collaboration lors des prochaines éditions pour participer à la construction d'un monde plus juste et plus responsable. »
Abdoulaye GNING
Co-fondateur et directeur général, ApiAfrique (Sénégal)

“It was an eye-opener and I learnt many new ideas and thinking about how we should nurture our world. Yes, there is hope! Sylvia and I wish to extend congratulations on amiable President Vasseur and his dedicated team that managed the conference so professionally. Additionally, we look forward to attending the 13th edition!”
Hector BANDA
Président exécutif, Sylva Foods (Zambie)

« C’était un événement vraiment chaleureux et instructif. L’équipe est formidable. »
Présidente, Ellio (Canada)

“It was an honor to be invited and asked to present at the Forum. I met many interesting and inspiring people from around the world.”
Co-fondateur, Zingerman's Delicatessen (États-Unis)

“Last week in Lille was an unforgettable moment of emotions, new and wonderful people! MANY thanks to YOU all and to the wonderful teams that worked together with great proficiency, dedication and human quality.”
Co-fondateur et président, Sistema B (Argentine)

“It was a pleasure to be among you and one of the most pleasant event I attended this year. Thanks again for inviting UPS.”
Directeur des affaires publiques, UPS (France)

« La participation aux ateliers et conférences nous a permis d'avoir un contact avec des personnalités hors-norme ayant le goût d'entreprendre, de découvrir des démarches et business models originaux. Nous avons retenu des idées fortes dans tous les domaines. »
Marie-Cécile DUCHATEAU
Responsable formation, Bonduelle (France)

« Ici, différentes parties du monde interagissent et apprennent les unes des autres. Ce qui me frappe, c'est que les gens assistent à des conférences et ensuite rentrent dans leur pays, dans leur entreprise, et souvent réutilisent ce qu'ils ont entendu ici. Vous n'entendrez peut-être plus jamais parler d'eux mais cela aura un impact. »
Directeur général, The Ethics Institute (Afrique du Sud)

“I feel that an organization capable of uniting opinion leaders, while facilitating the sharing of ideas and creating synergies among individuals to promote change has got to be wonderful.”
David KATZ
Fondateur et président, Plastic Bank (Canada)
“It really feels like being at the heart of the transformation leading to the New World. I'm thrilled by what's happening. As partners, we fully support the initiative, which is seen as a path to a brighter future and source of enthusiasm. We're very pleased to be associated with this exciting event.”
Membre du conseil d'administration, Roquette Frères (France)
“For me, the World Forum is a fantastic event. It's an honor to be able to participate. I've met so many interesting people and have learned a tremendous amount of valuable lessons regarding corporate projects that seek to institute sustainable change.”
Fondatrice et présidente, Green Dreams Ltd (Kenya)

“The World Forum is a great opportunity for all those interested in exploring different ways of doing business, where people and planet come in first. There are many people to meet, many experiences to learn from and above all lots of inspiration to take in!”
Directeur, Cooperatives Europe (Belgique)

“I was quite amazed of the World Forum in Lille 2013. The forum itself is great organized and was very easy to overview in spite that the number of participants was more than 6,300 during the 3 days that the forum took place. The theme this year, “Yes We Change” appealed me and is desperately needed in the world of today. The world is looking for answers and the many good examples you could meet in Lille makes me want to recommend the World Forum in Lille to anyone that wants to be a change maker or just helping the world to change.”
CSO, Max Burgers (Suède)

“Once again a standard-setting event, the 2013 edition was packed with great speakers, excellent networking opportunities, and creative sessions meant to get to the bottom of issues. And all this free of cost! The team at the World Forum is really committed to have you get the most of your 3 days in Lille. I already look forward to the 2014 edition.”
Fabrice HANSÉ
Directeur exécutif, Red Forum Empresa (Panama)

« Une édition au sommet ! Des conférences de très bon niveau, une séance d'ouverture qui emmène vers l'action et une séance de clôture qui donne envie. Yes! We change. Posez-vous cette question : "When was the last time you did something for the first time?" »
Directeur délégué, Pôle d'Excellence ferroviaire régional (France)

“More and more people are looking for a new economy to overcome the current impasses. The World Forum offers such a Forum, the Global Ethics Forum in Geneva offers a global multistakeholder one. Many other events look for it. What is needed is cooperation between these events and online workgroups and innovative processes. I am ready to contribute to this networking.”
Fondateur et directeur exécutif, Globethics (Suisse)

“Like any forum, the World Forum is a great opportunity to meet people from every corner of the world. However, it is really inspiring to meet entrepreneurs who have their heart on the left and their wallet on the right, who do sustainable development because it is something inborn, inbuilt to them, as natural as our breath.”
Hang MAI
Fondatrice et manager, Xanh (Vietnam)

“The World Forum shares with the world's best examples of business practices in order to lead others to encourage them to do business nobly and ethics, showing that it is possible to be productive and profitable while sensitive to human needs to live peacefully.”
Professeur, Universidad Autónoma de Centro América (Costa Rica)

“I spoke at this forum in 2010 and thought the programme was wide-ranging, lively and democratic in its approach. I wish it well in the future...”
Niall O'SHEA
Responsable de l'investissement responsable, Co-operative Asset Management (Royaume-Uni)

« Ayant déjà participé au Forum, je peux témoigner de sa valeur ajoutée tant pour la pertinence des sujets abordés que pour les lieux de réflexion et d'échanges novateurs qu'il offre aux participants sur les meilleures pratiques à mettre en œuvre en matière de responsabilité sociale et de développement durable. Donner l'opportunité aux personnes et aux organisations de se ressourcer et de partager leurs expériences incite à l'action et à la mobilisation vers une économie globale plus responsable. »
Vice-présidente Soutien à la coopération et Secrétaire générale, Mouvement des caisses Desjardins (Canada)

« À ce jour, c'est le forum le plus efficace et pertinent, dédié à la réflexion sur la croissance durable et responsable, à l'entrepreneuriat social et à la microfinance. »
Emmanuel GAUTIER
Gestionnaire de portefeuille en investissements sociaux, Natixis Asset Management (France)

« J'ai eu l'opportunité d'organiser et animer une table ronde sur la biodiversité à ce forum en 2010. C'est un bel événement, riche d'échanges et de captation de nouvelles tendances en matière d'économie plus responsable. À recommander ! »
Directrices des bureaux de Paris, oekom research AG (France)

“The World Forum became an appreciable international event in the field of responsible economy in quite a short period of time. During its plenary and seminar sessions business people and CSR/SD specialists share their experiences in introducing and conducting socially and environmentally friendly oriented businesses. The Forum is very well organized, inviting top level speakers (...) from many countries.”
Directeur exécutif, CSR – Russian Centre (Russie

“The World Forum is a fantastic global conference, looking at issues that drive capital market growth and social change from a European perspective.”
Directrice exécutive, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (États-Unis)

“I talked at this forum in 2009. It was a great experience for me to attend this conference as I had a chance to talk to people who have various background, from academics, financial institutions, labor unions and NPOs. It is not very common that you can obtain opinion from various viewpoints. I recommend this forum for business person, students and academics.”
Katsuyuki KUBO
Professeur, Université Waseda (Japon)
“It was my first time participating in the World Forum; it was a great opportunity as I was the only speaker from an Arabic/Palestinian company. (...) I started to connect the organizers with Arabic networks to increase the participation from our area. I would encourage companies to participate, when things come to CSR and corporate sustainable nothing is written and it is all about practicing and learning from each others.”
Directrice générale, Paltel Group Foundation (Palestine)
« Le World Forum est une très belle opportunité pour s’ouvrir l’esprit, et un moment privilégié pour communiquer ensemble. J’aime son coté très éclectique : on y croise l’inconnu du bout du monde mais aussi le très médiatique chef d’entreprise. Tous n’ont pourtant qu’un seul but : partager leurs bonnes pratiques et en découvrir de nouvelles. »
Damartex (France)
« Je suis fier d’être bénévole au World Forum depuis sa création : d’une part je représente mon entreprise qui soutient les valeurs de la RSE ; et d’autre part je contribue à la réussite de cet événement qui grandit et s’étoffe d’année en année. Je serai présent pour cette nouvelle édition alors, à bientôt ! »
Damartex (France)
“This is my third time here. The World Forum is always very inspiring with plenty of fascinating testimonials. It's a highly innovative event!”
“I find this approach really interesting. What impresses me most is the region's handling of some key issues that are fundamental and extremely critical. I appreciate this link between the local territory and the outside world.”