The World Forum for a Responsible Economy is a series of resources and events that aim to accelerate the action taken by economic players in favour of a more responsible global economy. Methods, tools, networking space: all participants benefit from resources to sustainably transform their practices and their business sector.
The World Forum for a Responsible Economy encourages the sharing of practices and innovations, by inviting leaders and inspiring figures from around the world. It aims to trigger action and real change management by initiating major cooperation projects and by ensuring that it remains open to the world, an integral part of its DNA.

Professor Muhammad Yunus, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, Dame Ellen MacArthur, Bertrand Piccard, Jeremy Rifkin, Bibi Russell and Rob Hopkins are some of the figures who have come to share their vision and commitment.
Beyond the event itself, the World Forum is a resource centre, drawing on the wealth of its speakers, its partners and its entire ecosystem. Learning modules and trips, barometer, articles, best practices, replays of various conferences: the forum offers, throughout the year, the possibility for everyone to have the keys to accelerate the transformation of their practices and to initiate real change management.