Co-founder and Associate

Cabinet Prophil


Prophil is an independent company specializing in new business models serving the common good. The firm has published the first international panorama of hybrid status in the service of the common good: this study aims to compare for the first time the foreign legal status that could inspire us.




Her works :

Le crépuscule fossile, Geneviève Ferone-Creuzet, Stock, 2015

Contributions : 

– L’entreprise à mission. Panorama des statuts hybrides au service du bien commun – Prophil – Mars 2017 (en vente sur : )

– Le guide de l’entreprise à mission – Prophil – Février 2018 (téléchargeable ici :

– L’entreprise à mission fait-elle rêver les entrepreneurs français ? – Prophil – Mai 2018 (téléchargeable ici :

Geneviève Ferone-Creuzet founded ARESE in 1997, the leading non-financial rating agency in France; in this capacity, she contributed to the development and evolution of the ESG standards and the launch of socially responsible investment in France.

Former Director of Sustainable Development and member of the Executive Committee of the Eiffage Group; then Director of Sustainable Development at Veolia Environment, she is the co-founder and partner of Prophil, a consulting firm focusing on hybrid economic and governance models serving the common good. She led Prophil’s study on “purpose-driven companies and new hybrid statuses serving the common good” (2017).

Lastly, she is a member of the scientific committees of social and environmental impact funds Alter Equity and Sycomore AM, and the vice-president of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and the Shift Project, a think tank on the decarbonisation of the economy.