Région Hauts-de-France

Région Hauts-de-France

“We are in a race. Faced with the economic shock associated with the health context, our Region must bounce back and diversify its economy. This is why, on the 30th June, the Regional Council approved a 1.3 billion euro recovery plan to protect those most weakened by the crisis and give companies the means to innovate

Rev3, the 3rd Industrial Revolution, is the spearhead of this policy. To support companies in this economic and ecological transition, the Region’s share in the Rev3 Fund will now amount to 100 million euros, with a very powerful leverage effect. This means that we are certain to be able to mobilise nearly half a billion euros over the next two years.

Innovations in energy, transport, the circular economy, the bio-economy, etc. must now become economic and social realities. The development of alternative sources of energy is therefore quite logically central to this strategy.

The renovation of buildings to improve energy efficiency, through the Aide à la Rénovation Énergétique (AREL), is another example of our priorities for action: it supports the activity of our tradespeople as part of the economic recovery and takes concrete action to improve the purchasing power of the people of the region, while at the same time reducing our environmental impact.

Finally, investment in hydrogen – whether for industry or travel – and solar power is central to our diversification strategy. All of these issues are urgent. We must move quickly. This is why we have chosen to accelerate and boost investment. “

Photo 2017X Bertrand site
President of the Hauts-de-France Region