CCI Grand Lille

CCI Grand Lille

Blervacque Louis Philippe

Louis-Philippe BLERVACQUE

Chair, ​​​CCI Grand Lille

Chair, rev3 Commission, ​​​​​​Hauts-de-France Region CCI

​​​CCI Grand Lille is part of the CCI Hauts-de-France network along with CCI Aisne, Amiens-Picardie, ​​ Grand Hainaut, Littoral Hauts-de-France, Oise.

Aware of the major economic and social shocks and transformations which the world is undergoing, the CCI groups in the region are firmly committed alongside all companies in the collective dynamic ​​​​​​rev3 to develop a sustainable, connected economy, creating jobs and added value.

All over Hauts-de-France, companies are carrying out ​​​rev3 projects and innovations. To stimulate their “ego imperium” the CCIs make tailor-made dynamic solutions and tools available to them.

 > The ​​​rev3 accelerators to support creators and young companies in their development

> Support for optimising your processes: ecodesign,”, “project engineering”

> Business opportunities to promote your solutions and technologies, regionally, nationally and internationally and boost your profile as in the ​​​​​​rev3 days​​​ and other collective dynamic processes.

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> A laboratory to support transformation of organisations: Design Lab, set up in March 2019 by CCI Grand Lille​​​.

Dedicated to companies which want to revisit their organisational model to adapt to paradigm change, Design Lab invites them to “do it differently” using two levers: collective creativity and intelligence.

 > Information and awareness-raising in companies as regards sustainable mobility

A public body associated with planning, strategy and land management procedures, CCI Grand Lille brings its expertise to the construction of transport and mobility policies: accessibility, urban travel plan, infrastructure etc. It informs companies and raises their awareness of new regulations aimed at improving air quality and supports changes in behaviour and even the implementation of their mobility plans.

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 Finally, at the edge of Lille, the ​​​Centre multimodal de distribution urbaine​​​ [Multimodal Urban Distribution Centre] (CMDU) offers traders a range of services based on the organisation, pooling and optimisation of the flows of incoming and outgoing goods to the city. By optimising and pooling deliveries in a “just‑in‑time” approach, CMDU helps to reduce traffic in the city. A valuable asset when we know that the Metropole is very often congested.

Whether they are launching into new economic models, innovating in eco-production, developing eco-solutions, promoting sustainable mobility or building sustainable buildings etc., they all have a common feature: they are rev3!