Because CSR is not a concept reserved for a few, because everyone must be able to understand the issues it raises and take responsibility, and because it is essential for the entire company to be trained to better participate in its transformation, the World Forum is developing a series of learning modules.
Mobility, the outlines of CSR, diversity and inclusion: these learning modules, which last from one and one and a half hours, have been developed based on best practices tested by peers, which have been successful in companies, and which make it possible to initiate real change management. They draw on the 30 years of experience of Réseau Alliances, organiser of the World Forum for a Responsible Economy, whose mission is to connect players in order to share innovative practices to accelerate and facilitate action.

These modules also provide a scientific framework for a better understanding of the issues.
The modules are organised in three parts:
- The first part focuses on the context, in order to outline the theme and the associated social and environmental issues, in France and in the world.
- The second part presents best practices implemented in companies, which have proved their value and which can be replicated in other organisations.
- The third part will focus on the use of the tools and methods discussed, and will enable each employee to launch an initiative and to involve their colleagues, with the support of their organisation.
The learning modules aim to give employees all the keys and information they need to take action. The aim is to remove obstacles and misconceptions, and to provide the tools and methods to be able to initiate meaningful and unifying actions.