Responsible Revolution: a recap of the 11th WFRE

Photos of Responsible Revolution: a recap of the 11th WFRE

2017 07 World Forum Bannieres 700x300MerciUKpx

The  World Forum for a Responsible Economy held its 11th conference around the theme of RESPONSIBLE REVOLUTION.

Back in Lille, we met on the 17th, 18th & 19th of October 2017 with the goal of shedding light on and sharing some of today’s solutions for tomorrow’s problems.

Three days of rising to the challenge of a responsible revolution…

(Re)discover the key messages delivered during the week, (re)live each day in less than three minutes through newscasts that summarize the highlights, and (re)reflect on the final recommendations that deliver concrete solutions from the week’s collaborations.

Follow the links and view the content in the collection of video replays, reviews, photos, reporters’ articles, interviews, and speakers’ presentations.




Tuesday, October 17
Opening Day of the 11th World Forum

Photos from the day




Opening plenary

Sharing today’s solutions to tomorrow’s problems

> See the conference in replay

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Migratory movements and integration

> See the conference in replay




From less bad to more good

> See the conference in replay

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Education systems and responsible business
> Relive the conference through 
our reporters’ article:

” L’éducation : une nouvelle course 
vers la révolution “




The responsible revolution
with the B Corp movement

See the conference in replay

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Let’s launch the responsible revolution
in Hauts-de-France!

Evening of networking


Wednesday, October 18
Day 2: Responsible Revolution

Photos from the day





Not an NGO, not a classical company!

> See the conference in replay

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Digital transition and energy transition

> See the conference in replay





Education to meet the SDGs

> See the conference in replay

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A robot in taking over my job!

> Relive the conference through 
our reporters’ article:
” N’ayons plus peur des robots “





Ethics and artificial intelligence

> See the conference in replay

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New tools and transmission of knoledge

> See the conference in replay





Toward a responsible organisation

> Relive the conference through discussion of one Best Practice: interviews with Svenia Busson 
” Faire germer une nouvelle façon 
de travailler avec Mangrove “

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TIR: Europe and its territories show us the way

> See the conference in replay





TRI en Hauts de France :
devenez acteurs de Rev3 !

Soirée networking

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Thursday, October 19
Closing Day: Final Recommendations

Photos from the day




And tomorrow, what should we eat?

> See the conference in replay

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Which sustainability model for Africa?

> See the conference in replay




Les entreprises contre la corruption

> See the conference in replay

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Parité et autonomisation des femmes

> See the conference in replay





Technology and news forms of work

Relive the conference through 
our reporters’ article:

” Être heureux au travail :
l’objectif futur des entreprises “


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Focus on social innovation

> See the conference in replay




Promoting responsibility in SMEs

> Relive the conference through 
our reporters’ article:

” Multinationales et PME :
ensemble vers un avenir responsable “

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Young entrepreneurs of Africa

> See the conference in replay




So what now? Closing plenary and final declaration

> See the conference in replay

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The expertises of Réseau Alliances …

We also invite you to (re)discover the expertise of Réseau Alliances through dedicated thematic courses on Sustainable Mobility, Economics of Functionality and Cooperation, Mobilizing Your Stakeholders, Diversity, and Social Innovation…

(Re)live the highlights and meet our experts all year round! 

Sustainable Mobility

Our expert: Lucile Janssoone

During the Mobility Challenge award ceremony…

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Economics of Functionality and Cooperation

Our expert: Laurie Decoux

During a lunch meeting around the subject…

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Mobilizing your Stakeholders

Our expert: Anne Sarah Socié

During the “Mobilize Your « Collabor’actors » on Your CSR Project” workshop…

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Our expert: Céline Houttemane

During the “Managing Multi-Generational Companies” workshop…

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Social Innovation

Our expert: Sophie Letartre

Bringing together our social business community, SoBizHub.

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For all information relating to our expertise:

Contact: Pauline Paquier, CSR Business Support Manager

Access the Réseau Alliances calendar to see what our experts are up to all year long in Hauts-de-France …

(French website)