According to the American economist Jeremy Rifkin, the conjugate Internet and renewable energy development sounds the death knell of the oil era and announces the start of a third industrial revolution. It is a unique opportunity to create a new ecological, economic and social model.

Moderator: Elisabeth LAVILLE, Founder, Utopies, France

Dirk AHLBORN, CEO, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, USA

Sénamé Koffi AGBODJINOU, Founder, Woelab, Togo

Moshe LAHMANI, Chairman of the Board, Shikun & Binui, Israel


— Summary —

Read the articles of World Forum Lille Reporters:

3 projets inédits de la Troisième Révolution Industrielle dans le monde par Juliette Olivier (FR)

Israël au coeur de la Troisième Révolution Industrielle par Lou Cubells (FR)


— Podcasts/Replay —

Replay of the whole conference :

World Forum 2015 – TRI : nternational examples by World Forum Lille TV



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