Social investment refers to the merging of a philanthropic spirit with keen business acumen. During this session, we’ll introduce three distinct examples of investors whose main preoccupation is to build a more sustainable society. These investors will explain why they chose this path and present the “finer points of their trade”. An interactive exchange will be staged on the means available to generate additional resources for social investment.

Participants include:
Vincent Fauvet – An investor operating on behalf of social entrepreneurs.

Sylvain Franc de Ferriere – Director of the Yunus Social Business in Africa program, Sylvain spends his days bridging economics with social services.

Margaret McGovern – Pioneer in impact investing within Europe. An inveterate social entrepreneur, Margaret is to be thanked for her many common-sense initiatives, like “PYMYWIC” – the “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Community” of responsible investors.


— Summary by Romain Dannin (ESPOL) World Forum Lille 2014 Reporter —

> A soul of philanthropy with an investing mind


— Picture Library —
Find the photos of the conference here


— Files —

> Vincent FAUVET presentation : Speech & PowerPoint (french version)


Learn more about these speakers below.