How executive remuneration and incentives can be used to enhance more inclusive growth (& not merely a growth in income disparity as is often the case with excessive executive remuneration) – coorganized by Ethics Institute of South Africa

Executive remuneration and incentives has gained significant prominence over the last years, but for all the wrong reasons. It is increasingly seen as extravagant, unrelated to company performance, and as incentivizing short term and selfish behavior. But remuneration and incentives can also be a powerful – and arguably the most effective -mechanism to encourage and incentivize both executives and staff to focus on more inclusive and sustainable value creation. In this session we will focus on industry examples of companies/organizations that have succeeded in using remuneration and incentives in an innovative way to foster more inclusive growth.

Deon ROSSOUW, CEO, Ethics Institutes of South Africa

Gemma LACEY, Head of Sustainability & Communications, The Southern Co-operative, UK