Clusters, incubators, accelerators, labs… Their proliferation in the context of the third industrial revolution also marks a new age of entrepreneurship. For large global companies as for any individual seeking to innovate, these spaces and networks have become essential to improve economic performance and develop their new societal responsibilities. What are the concrete opportunities but also the challenges and constraints of open innovation?  How to co-create real value with start-ups, self-employed workers, student entrepreneurs and more largely innovative projects holders? What could be the methods to facilitate open innovation in companies and intrapreneurship? For innovative projects holders (social entrepreneurs, start-ups, organizations), how can the entrepreneurial experience of major groups and family businesses enhance their own development? What is at stake in terms of social responsibility?

Stephan-Eloïse GRAS, Consulting Director, Netco, France

Karim SY, Founder & Chief Catalyst, Jokkolabs, Senegal

Omar SOUBRA, Director Community Management, Trimble Navigation, USA

Mark HATCH, CEO, TechShop, USA


— Summary —

Read the articles of World Forum Lille Reporters:

Innovation, communauté et passion : triplette infernale by Pierre Piquard (FR)


— Podcasts/Replay —

Replay of the whole conference :

World Forum 2015 – Open innovation ENG by World Forum Lille TV
