Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a French photographer and environmentalist, has been working for 40 years to promote knowledge and respect of the natural treasures and the human diversity of the planet. “The Earth seen from the Sky”, his great photographic project, originally conceived for the year 2000, is an endlessly renewed opportunity to raise the awareness of the public about the beauty and the fragility of the Planet.

réduit Source chaude du Grand Prismatic parc national de Yellowstone Wyoming États Unis Yann Arthus Bertrand

The exhibition of more than 120 photos presented at the Maison de la Photographie is enriched by new visuals. By confronting images of natural features of a rare beauty and a sharp take on human activities, it highlights the price of growth and exploitation of resources.

Aware of the need to work tirelessly and on a daily basis to educate people about respect for the planet, Yann Arthus-Bertrand also gives people a voice.

With his film, HUMAN, made up of interviews with people of all sorts and aerial images gleaned from the whole world, he gives us a chance to see many accounts filled with love, happiness, as well as hatred and violence; in other words, he makes us reflect on our own lives and actions.

Screening of the Film “Human”

réduit Bidonville de Makoko lagune de Lagos État de Lagos Nigéria Yann Arthus Bertrand


– Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a French photographer, reporter, director and environmentalist, is Chair of the GoodPlanet Foundation.

– Representative of the BNP Paribas Bank

– Philippe Vasseur, Chair of World Forum Lille