The challenge facing campuses is to gain access to new forms of learning, in satisfying corporate needs and establishing local roots.

Moderated by Pauline Pingusson with the sharing of experiences of:

> Valentin TAPPESER, co-founder of RootAbility (Netherlands). This recent graduate has plenty of drive. Barely out of school, Valentin has already launched his social business RootAbility within his alma mater the University of Maastricht, in founding the University of Maastricht Green Office. His aim: transform Europe’s campuses and their curricula for greater sustainable development opportunities. His secret agenda: involve all campus actors (staff, instructors, students, etc.).

> Eddi OMRCEN, Environmental Director, University of Gothenburg (Sweden). Recently commended by the Institute of Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) for his actions on behalf of Sustainable Development, Eddi has made the University of Gothenburg a reference model thanks to the environmental management system he introduced.

> Philippe CARON, Director of Sustainable Development with LaSalle Beauvais Polytechnic Institute (France), a top-tier engineering school specialized in earth science, life science and the environment, and a key actor in the local development of the surrounding territory.
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Moving towards responsible campuses par WorldForumLilleTV


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