Fashion arrives at the end of its breath and many companies are struggling because the usual recipes don’t work anymore. A paradigm shift is underway, expectations and values are changing very quickly. Fashion is being challenged: not sustainable at all, unethical, concentrated on the looks, celebrities and trends, obedient to new financial imperatives, it has forgotten its roots that are the clothes, the body, and the human side. How to find a ‘new’ breath generator of jobs, new skills, confidence, pleasure and pride for those who wear fashion and those who work in its industry?

Moderator :
Annick JEHANNE, Founder & director, Hubmode, France

Kyung Ae HAN, Founder & creative director, RE;CODE, South Korea

Tomas PANDO, Founder, PAEZ, Argentina

Irène LU, Founder & CEO, Pillowbook, China


— Summary —

Stop à la ” mal fringue “, place à une mode intélligente ! by Alexia Lima (FR)


— Podcasts/Replay —

Replay of the whole conference :

World Forum 2015 – Let’s rethink fashion par World Forum Lille TV
