Are financiers the first to change of energy model? In just a few years, the financial value of coal collapsed and investments in renewable energy infrastructures have become highly profitable. The energy mix of countries evolve slower than the financial choices of insurers and investment funds seeking green investments. They want to limit their carbon risk, in other words the financial losses associated with traditional fossil fuels whose exploitation will become more and more difficult due to climate nuisance. A change of model is at work in several countries.

Moderator: Anne-Catherine HUSSON-TRAORE, General Manager, Novethic, France

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Luke SUSSAMS, Senior Researcher, Carbon Tracker Initiative, UK

Marc ROQUETTE, Member of the Board, Roquette, France


Emmanuel SOULIAS, Director, Enercoop, France


— Summary —

Read the articles of World Forum Lille Reporters:

> La transition énergétique, rien d’impossible ! by Annabelle LAVERGNE (FR)


— Podcasts/Replay —

Replay of the whole conference :



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