At a time when the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly visible around the world and in Northern Europe, it’s high time to make a transition and reduce the footprint of every individual and every organization on this far-reaching phenomenon.
In France, transport accounts for 31% of greenhouse gas emissions, and the car alone accounts for 16%! Although our current system seems organized by and for the daily use of the private car, its use is not inevitable, and it is now more than desirable to develop alternatives: indeed, as part of its ecological planning strategy, France has announced a number of ambitious measures aimed at reducing emissions linked to the mobility of the French.
While we await the implementation of these measures, there is still time to draw inspiration from what is being put in place in Belgium, our neighbors who have already experimented with planning modes of transport towards greater sustainability, by combining political will, change management and implementation by and with economic players.
At this international conference, built in collaboration with Forum Vies Mobiles, discover what French and Belgian experts have to say to make sustainable mobility de-si-rable!
International Conference
5A - Decarbonising transport the French way: how our neighbours can inspire us
15h45 > 17h15
Grand Place - Cité des échanges

Aurélien BIGO
Engineer, researcher