Employees, wherever they may be assigned around the world and irrespective of their professional positions, are the key actors behind a company’s commitment to sustainable development. Rally their support on this issue, provide them the opportunity to learn new skills and help them change their practices towards deploying the CSR strategy constitute very real challenges. The purpose of this session is to share some major change management experiences through concrete examples of CSR policy implementation.


 — Summary — 

Read the World Forum Lille reporter’s summary: (in french – translation in process)

> Conduite du changement, la politique du “step by step” by Camille Bidault 

Watch the replay of the conference in english version: 

CSR and Change Management (english version… par WorldForumLilleTV

— Podcasts —

Listen to the podcast – english version

— Files —

> Marcelo Miranda’s presentation

Click on the names of the speakers below to learn more about them: their biography, their bibliography, their contributions to the theme of the year…