“It only takes 10 years to succeed in relocating an entire industry, which gives us hope”.
He has made “made in France” his profession, and above all his fight, by launching a bold offensive: to produce 100% organic or recycled jeans, designed from A to Z in France. From spinning to dyeing and weaving, production is also local, another of the company’s priorities.

Thomas Huriez is the co-founder of1083, a brand of jeans “made in France” that goes against the grain of fast fashion. Where fast fashion produces more but badly, he wants to offer consumers the chance to buy better but less.
And it works: in six years, the company has multiplied its sales by 40. Since 2013, this growth has led to the creation of 150 new jobs, including 65 direct ones.
The man who “never imagined how precious the notion of know-how was” adds, however, that “you have to experience the difficulty of relocating to understand its value”.

So how do you create tomorrow’s fashion with today’s methods, while capitalizing on unique know-how? We’ll discover the bold strategies of an entrepreneur who’s moving at 1083 km/h!