13h15> 15h15

ntroductory conference

Science research and technology for agriculture and the environment


  • Jean-Marc Bournigal – President of IRSTEA (National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture)


Connected agriculture

Explore all possibilities offered by digital technologies

The session on “Connected Agriculture” will be built around the intervention of three professionals from the industry:


  • Bertrand Vandoorne – Professor and researcher, ISA Lille


  • Hervé Pillaud – Author of “Agronumericus » (France)
  • Gaëtan Severac – Cofounder and Managing Director, Naïo Technologies (France)
  • Roland-Kosta Tschakarow – expert at Deepfield Robotics, a start-up from Robert Bosch Start-up GmbH (Germany)

Hervé PILLAUD will begin by explaining how new technologies will revolutionize agriculture. Two examples will then be presented through the intervention of Gaëtan SEVERAC and his work on agricultural robotics and the intervention of Roland-Kosta TSCHAKAROW focusing on the “Internet of plants”. These interventions will provide the basis for the subsequent discussion surrounding agricultural revolutions induced or permitted by technological developments and the connection of tools and information.


International Conference of 22 June 2016 is Organized by World Forum for a Responsible Economy in collaboration with the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Regional Chamber of Agriculture and the Urban Community of Arras; With the participation of ISA Lille, Genech institute and pôle Agroé. 
Partner: BNPP