Transportation is a key challenge in tackling public health and global warming issues. And there is significant proof that technology will not provide the full answer to these challenges. In this context shared and collaborative mobility, alongside new business models for co-designing and micro production, have raised high expectations. Can the collaborative mobility ecosystem meet theses expectations ?

Introduction: “What we know about the Global Sharing Economy”. Founder of Compare and Share and global Sharing Economy expert Benita Matofska presents the latest data on the Sharing Economy from around the world and details the latest trends and innovations in this exciting emerging economic system.

Moderator: Ghislain DELABIE, Mobility Connector, Ouishare, France


Benita MATOFSKA, Founder and Chief Sharer, Compare and Share, UK

Damien DECLERCQ, Executive Vice President EMEA, Local Motors, Germany

Matan FIELD, Co-founder, La’Zooz & Backfeed, Israël


— Summary —

Read the articles of World Forum Lille Reporters:

Faire plus avec moins : la mobilité collaborative au service de l’économieby Antoine Kubiak  (FR)