The Digital Greenhouse is the new mecca of digital creation: video games, animation, design, serious game… it’s all here.
An exceptional 17,000-m² building developed by the Valenciennes-based Grand Hainaut Chamber of Commerce and exclusively dedicated to the world of imaging, this Digital Greenhouse will encompass:
•    HIGHER EDUCATION (Rubika and its 3 internationally renowned schools: Supinfocom, Supinfogame, ISD)
•    CORPORATIONS (a 3,000-m² business space: incubator, startup services)
•    RESEARCH (video game laboratories, serious game, design)
•    STATE-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT (virtual reality immersion space, motion capture, render farm, 3D amphitheater, relief 4K).

Digital Greenhouse is the flagship building of the 26-ha Rives Créatives Technology Park, devoted to the imaging industry and ICT within an Urban Enterprise Zone.
Opening scheduled in November 2014 – Private exclusive tour for World Forum Lille participants.


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