Reporter World Forum

Hackaveret: Guiding Social Entrepreneurs Toward Social Changes

Photos of Hackaveret: Guiding Social Entrepreneurs Toward Social Changes

14A – Le Pouvoir des start-ups pour changer le monde : comment les entreprises s’organisent pour auto-disrupter leur modèle


Gili Swary has been the director of Hackaveret for 3 years, a platform of guidance, support and networking for social entrepreneurs. Beforehand, she had developed a project for person with motor disabilities called “Go Ahead” along with Israelis startup.

© Maxime Dufour Photographies


How would you define Hackaveret?

We are a non-profitable organization; we take no acuity from our entrepreneurs. All of services and content are free of charges. I would say that I am part of the ecosystem around the entrepreneurs that supports them. And our goal is to help them reach scale.


What are the specificities of Hackaveret compared to a regular consulting firm?

Well, in Hackaveret, we are looking for 3 things:

1. We are looking for enterprises that have a social core. It means that they help vulnerable populations, or they help reduce social gaps.

2. They must be innovative. They are either suggesting a model that is new to existing problems or they provide a solution to problems that simply do not exist today.

3. We must recognize their potential to scale: we don’t want the enterprise to be placed in niche. We really want them to reach scale, and to deliver their services and product everywhere in the country.

We help enterprises that are both technological and non-technological. We help either single entrepreneur or teams of entrepreneurs whether they work for profit or not. Those informations are not relevant for Hackaveret if the three pillars (social core, innovation and a potential to scale) are respected.


What made you want to devote yourself to a socially oriented organization?

I personally think that I have the best job in the world because I get to work with people that are changing society. I think it is an exciting era and individual can really design and help shape the way society looks. If I can be the facilitator of that movement, I am more than happy.