> Cette session se tiendra exclusivement en anglais

In this session we look at the necessary changes in Reporting, Accounting, Data Architecture and Business Model Design, so that organizational disclosure stops to fly blind on the aim to show how sustainable an organization is. Reporting 3.0, a global community of positive mavericks develops recommendations for those needed changes through the design of Blueprints in the four mentioned areas. It is a pre-competitive market-making work ecosystem that connects necessary dots to enable such disclosure. Without such disclosure there will never be sustainability or thriveability at the necessary scale. Thousands of interested supporters and hundreds of practitioners have actively helped designing this first generation of Blueprints and by that creating the necessary links between micro (organizational), meso (industry and habitat) and global (economic system design) level, as there simply is no sustainable business in an unsustainable world.

In this workshop we learn about the need for an enabling infrastructure to actually be able to change reporting towards the next necessary level. We clarify what a green, inclusive and open economy is and how reporting needs to support it. We then go through the Reporting and Data Blueprint to look at new tools and insights on how this link can be achieved. We also look out to the forthcoming Accounting and New Business Model Blueprints and the role they will play to complete the first generation of Reporting 3.0 Blueprints. As someone responsible for sustainability or integrated reporting in your organization you will take back your individual Blueprint on how to create a future-fit reporting regime that is ready to perform for the next decades.

Organized by:
Ralph THURM, Managing Director OnCommons gGmbh, Co-founder of Reporting 3.0