When civil society contributes to the bridging of opportunities offered by international trade with regional pioneerism, good for the World.

This is what RITA (Regional Impact Trade Alliance), an emerging non-profit organization, is proposing. Through its leadership platform, it aims to connect territories that are differentiated by their response to social and environmental needs.

By joining forces commercially, these regions develop new offers in favor of social and environmental justice. Beyond the creation of strictly financial value, RITA aims to be a catalyst for competitive, cooperative solutions in response to over-globalized trade that is disconnected from the issues at stake.

These are the convictions upheld by Pedro TARAK, co-founder of RITA, Sistema B and Impact Trade. He will share his experience of pioneering regions, such as Mendoza, Uruguay or the North Valley of the Tiber, which have joined forces to build a new form of multilateralism, complementing efforts by the states, based on positive impact for the World.

These collaborations are concrete examples of how multi stakeholder leadership from territories and small nations can find their new global trading position driven by social and environmental solutions which are good for themselves and also relevant for the World.

This session will be held in English, with simultaneous translation into French.