This panel discussion will explore how companies are already orienting themselves towards improving the wellbeing of their stakeholders and how growing what matters has positive impacts on business performance and business strategy.  The session will showcase the various organisations especially in relation to:

what they know makes their stakeholders well, satisfied and happy;

how they go about measuring and enabling this process; and

what the most challenging questions and barriers are on the journey of growing quality of life of all stakeholders.

Thomas Jelley from Sodexo’s Quality of Life Institute will share insights from their Quality of Life survey conducted with a large number of their clients worldwide that found 96% of global leaders think improving quality of life in their organisation is important.  Nancy Hey from the What Works Centre for Wellbeing in the UK will provide insights from their work with government policy, business and community about what it takes to redefine growth and focus on wellbeing. Nicole Vanderbilt from Etsy will share how Etsy reimagines commerce in ways that build a more fulfilling and lasting world and that leads to creating value for both people and planet.  The panel discussion and interaction with the audience will explore how business can become a driving force for positive change in growing quality of life, wellbeing and happiness skills of all stakeholders, including the planet.

Moderator : Isabel SEBASTIAN, Institute for Sustainable Future, Australia


Thomas JELLEY, Director, Institute for Quality of Life, Sodexo, UK

Nancy HEY, Director, What Works Centre for Wellbeing, UK

Nicole VANDERBILT, Head of International Relations, Etsy, UK


— Summary —

Read the articles of World Forum Lille Reporters:

> Qualité de vie et bien-être : bénéfice majeur pour une croissance durable by Antoine Kubiak (FR)

La RSE, une source certaine d’innovation ! by Annabelle Lavergne (FR)


— Podcasts/Replay —

Replay of the whole conference:

World Forum 2015 – Quality of life and well being ,by World Forum Lille TV
