The French Agency for Energy Management and Environment, ADEME, as the operator of the governmental program of Investments for the Future – “Programme des Investissements d’Avenir” – since 2010, is financing green innovation in France. As a key and massive financing tool dedicated to the green shift/transition of our economy, this programm is operated by ADEME as far as innovation is concerned: today, more than 150 projects involving 600 companies and totalising 3.8 billion € of projects investment budget are supported with 1.1 billion€ of ADEME’s credits.

Low-carbon mobility, circular economy, energy management, …Jean-Guillaume Péladan, director in charge of green innovation funding at ADEME, and 3 entrepreneurs will present and share their experience of what they have already done and what is to come. 


Please register now, places may be limited ! 

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