Measuring impacts: How can business measure their sustainability impacts to manage change?

Companies’ accountability is a crucial enabler for sustainable development. This is strengthened by the belief that high-quality data on sustainability performances and impacts is key for the competent decision-making necessary to make organizations and economies more sustainable.

In this session, an international panel of companies will show how they manage their impacts on society, environment and economy at large and play a role in answering the sustainable challenge of the 21th century. The conversation will look forward on the future of the challenges businesses will have to be ready to face.

— Summary —

> La RSE, une ambition mondiale by Marthe Desreumaux – EFAP Lille


— Replay —

11B – Using CSR reporting as a supervisory tool par WorldForumLilleTV


— Files —

> Nikki MCKEAN WOOD presentation


— Picture Library —
Find the photos of the conference here