Digital technologies have revolutionized the workplace through: reassessing the value of work, reconfiguring the organization of work, and redefining the meaning of work for individuals. It all comes into play here: network collaboration, nomadism, work porosity – private life, generation gap, new forms of leadership, etc.

These changes have been targeted in recent studies, which will be shared with Forum participants in the aim of examination, illustration and extension through feedback, according to a collaborative approach. The set of contributions will be compiled into a Digital Society Forum publication in order to share insight on current trends with as wide an audience as possible.

An introduction delivered by Anca Boboc, sociologist with the Social Sciences Laboratory (SENSE), and Orange Labs, specialized in the professional uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), will kick off the roundtable session.

An opportunity
– Meet with participants coping with the same issues, derive mutual benefit from others’ experiences, and generate operational ideas;
– Disseminate different points of view via a publication available on the websites of both the Digital Society Forum and World Forum Lille;
– Use the outcomes as a dialoguing tool for participants within their respective networks in order to inspire tangible breakthroughs regarding key points participants had previously identified.

A collaborative dialogue
– Identify as a group the pivotal factors to be defined in detail;
– Share experiences and accumulated knowledge;
– Develop ideas and draw conclusions.
To illustrate your opinions on the topic of the working world in the digital era, Digital Society Forum articles have been made available here.

Download the booklet containing the introductory article and 3 subheading articles for the feature on “Work and the Digital Age” (see Appendices for further details on the Digital Society Forum).

— Picture Library —
Find the photos of the conference here