Energy Performance: A key goal of the DECIMA company, renowned for its multifaceted activity

The expertise displayed by the DECIMA company in the sectors of industry, construction, information systems and telephony, in association with ongoing technical monitoring, provides the resources needed to meet energy performance challenges.
Remote control of the Lille-Europe railway station’s platform lighting by carrier currents has given rise to a very sharp decrease in electricity consumption (i.e. -48%).

The ISO 50001 certification of the Digital Residence (Foyer Numérique), located at the Arras Citadel, attests to the energy management performance of this building.

Session objective:
Demonstrate that the expertise possessed by DECIMA in the industrial, construction, information and telephone systems fields offers many avenues for achieving high energy performance.

The thematic lunches allow to dig deeper into a subject with a small friendly group.This is an ideal opportunity for you to share your experience with other corporations by benefiting from the advice of an expert who will drive the discussions.

A participation fee of 30 € (excluding tax) is required upon completion of your registration. The thematics lunch are reserved primarily for professionals. So you will not be charged until your registration is validated by our team.You will then receive an email confirmation