The Arras Citadel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site built by Vauban, has been transformed into a living eco-district of the city in associating offices, residences, leisure amenities and retail uses: a sustainable development challenge in terms of urban planning, economic development and historical heritage.

The Arras Citadel has been transformed into a living eco-district of the city in associating offices, housing, leisure and shops: a sustainable development challenge from an urban, economic and heritage standpoint. The tour of this atypical and majestic complex will highlight the selected method and all underlying considerations, principally sustainable development, leading to its successful reuse. An assessment will also be provided of the site’s master plan implementation strategy.

Session objective:
Display the selected method and key economic, heritage and sustainable development challenges that have played out in the effort to reuse and redevelop the Citadel.
Present the outcome of the site’s master plan implementation.