This Creative Lab is being proposed by: AG2R LA MONDIALE, COab, and the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LILLE.

It will be led by: Jérémie PARLEBAS (AG2R LA MONDIALE), Stéphane SOYEZ (CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LILLE), and Julien MAURY(COab).

In response to the trend of greater longevity, the Nord-Pas de Calais Region and elsewhere must tackle the challenges of renewing and adapting housing stock to satisfy seniors’ current and future needs, while meeting the expectations of local authorities and ensuring an economically viable solution.

The objective of this Creative Lab is to identify, from among participants’ input, experiences offering valuable lessons in fitting out residences to meet the needs of seniors throughout the Nord-Pas de Calais Region. The steps suggested involve conducting the very first rating of such experiences on the basis of criteria like the amount of shared living space and the extent of proposed amenities. Upon completion of this workshop, “findings” may be used to produce an initial analytical assessment of regional experiences, serving as input to a global review of how to adapt residences for seniors to age more comfortably within a collective setting.

This Lab is intended first and foremost for professionals affiliated with various actors in the field of senior housing (local and regional authorities, builders, property owners, home-based assistance, service managers, etc.) and may also be of interest to current or future users of such facilities.

— Summary —

> Nord-Pas-de-Calais, une région où il fait bon vieillir ? par Charlotte Regnier


— Picture Library —
Find the photos of the conference here