Investors face the challenge of financing a range of massive projects that entail: retrofitting buildings, developing renewable energy, and improving the means of transportation.

Participants include:
Eric Loiselet – Pension fund specialist dedicated to responsible investment, Eric proposes for example setting aside 5% of reserves from professional pension institutions to finance green initiatives that help accelerate the energy transition.

Hans-Joesf Fell – Founder of the Energy Watch Group, whose researchers and expert economists closely examine energy supply issues.
Learn more about these speakers below.


— Summary —

> Alors qu’un monde s’achève, un autre est en train de naître by Clémentine Cailleteau – EFAP Lille


— Replay —

9B – Energy Transition : how to finance it ? par WorldForumLilleTV


— Files —

> Hans-Josef FELL presentation
> Ray PINTO presentation


— Picture Library —
Find the photos of the conference here