This session will focus on the CSR challenge in countries experiencing both Eastern and Western influences, e.g. Russia, Turkey.

Participants include:
Dr. Vladimir Zakharov – Director of the Russian Sustainable Development Institute and a renowned scientist, Vladimir has produced over 250 publications and advocates in favor of environmental issues in his native country.
Learn more about this speaker below.


— Summaries —

> Tous les chemins mènent à Dylan Bonfils – ESPOL

> « It’s comforting to see the new generation interested in the environment. » Pr. Vladimir Zakharov by Dylan Bonfils – ESPOL


— Replay —

9A – East-West: CSR in countries at the… par WorldForumLilleTV


— Files —

> Serdar DINLER presentation : Speech & PowerPoint
> Alexey KOSTIN presentation
> Vladimir ZAKHAROV presentation