Mrs KKN is from Myanmar, belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, is a member of Myanmar Investment Commission and gets from the government à mandate on CSR.
On the occasion of à recent meeting we asked her if implementing CSR faced any difficulties. She mentionned in her answer how near was CSR with Buddhism’s values. We thought how useful it could be to explain such a proximity between a religion and socio-economic principles.
Gret is a French international solidarity organisation founded in 1976. Acting with seven thematics in about thirty countries to contribute to poverty and inequalities’ reduction. Gret gathers 600 professionals, 10% of which are located in Paris.
Global Diligence advices firms, NGO’s and institutions on how to take into account firm activities’ impact on Human Rights, notably in Myanmar.
Gret and Global Diligence work together on CSR in Myanmar.
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Thematic lunch’s summary by Christelle Laplanche