Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer



Rejecting a job offer at Microsoft to launch his startup, Chris Kwekowe dared to do it! In 2014 he created Slatecube along with his brother, aiming to enable young people in their country to find a job and train themselves in a profession.

Slatecube innovates from A to Z by proposing not only a platform allowing young people to train in the career of their choice, thus obtaining a certificate of aptitude or even a diploma, but also virtual internships in the company.



Chris is a young MIT/Harvard trained innovative Ed-Tech entrepreneur from Nigeria. He is passionate about technology and the average African youth. His venture, Slatecube, aims at developing young African talents into world class professionals and connecting them to global opportunities in today’s distributed workforce.

Slatecube now partners with governments across Africa in order to scale its offering faster. Chris has been invited to share his model through several platforms, alongside personalities such as former US President Barack Obama or Bill Gates, before the African Union, and across several continents and countries within the last 2 years. 

With a massive interest and substantial knowledge in computers and technology spanning well over a decade (nearly all his life) he has served as keynote speaker, and panel speaker in a couple of events including the eLearning Africa Conference in Ethiopia, Online Educa in Germany, Innovation Arabia in Dubai, and MTV Base Meets show with Bill Gates in Durban-South Africa.

He believes that every good success comes from God, and that there really is a lot to learn about life.