Throughout the year, the World Forum for a Responsible Economy partners with local stakeholders to organise collective and interactive events on the issues facing our regions.

Days organised in 2024

  • 6 June 2024: World Forum in Flanders in Steenvoorde

A special edition of the World Forum in Flanders was held on 6 June 2024 in Steenvoorde. The event featured a visit of Nord’Imprim and the Digital Collage, an interactive plenary session, as well as a cocktail organised by special guest Florent Ladeyn. Participants interacted with the companies and officials present and discussed the transitions in their regions.

Days organised in 2023

  • 14 September – Arras | Stakeholders commit to intermodal, decarbonised and responsible mobility!

This half-day event will see companies, officials, citizens and other stakeholders share their ambitions and successes, raise awareness and take action to tackle the issues of mobility at the regional level. It will be open and interactive, and will feature presentations and group discussions. The event will end with a lunch cocktail. In the afternoon, participants will be able to participate in a Fresque de la Mobilité workshop and a workshop on mobility management (limited space). This free and open event is organised by Réseau Alliances, the Hauts-de-France Region, the CCI Hauts-de-France and Rev3. It has received support from the Communauté Urbaine d’Arras, Pôle Métropolitain Artois Douaisis, Pôle Métropolitain de l’Artois, the Communauté d’Agglomération Hénin-Carvin and the Communauté d’agglomération de Lens-Liévin.

  • 19 October – Saint-Omer | Environmental efficiency in Pays de Saint-Omer: Towards innovative economic models

Following Bertrand Piccard’s visit as part of Pays de Saint-Omer’s regional strategy, and in partnership with the CAPSO and La Station, this morning session will aim to respond to the need for energy efficiency commitments and build a sustainable and responsible economic model. 
This free and open event is organised by Réseau Alliances, the Hauts-de-France Region, the CCI Hauts-de-France and Rev3. It has received support from the Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer, the Communauté de Communes du Pays de Lumbres and La Station.


Days organised in 2022

  • 24 November 2022: Lens

How can companies identify, support and act to tackle energy poverty?

In a social and economic context where it may be difficult to ask households living in poverty to reduce their consumption (a household is considered to be suffering from energy poverty when its energy expenditure is above 8% of its income), we want to question companies (regardless of their size or industry) on how they are committing to fight against this social and environmental ill.

How can these households be identified and how can we provide them with financial and technical assistance? How can companies and other stakeholders contribute? What kind of dialogue can we implement among stakeholders to fight against energy poverty?

For the second edition of France’s “National Day against Energy Poverty”, stakeholders in the industry held a day of work and discussion around this ongoing issue.

Because what is done here, is seen there and reproduced elsewhere, we must all act – and interact together – for our region. And others’.

This year, the World Forum is taking place in the heart of our region’s cities, to feel the pulse of the responsible economy. Everywhere, managers, employees and young people are committed and involved through many initiatives.

Because these are exemplary practices, and because they need to become more widespread, the World Forum is working with numerous partners to make these actions and the territories that support them more visible within its programme.

Expertise, feedback, testimonies: the players of the transformation will come to share their commitments.

18th October 2022: Lille

The planet relies on my region, my region relies on my planet.

Because what is done here, is seen there and reproduced elsewhere, we all interact with each other, so we will place this interdependence at the heart of our discussions. Throughout the day, committed figures such as Claire O’Neill, former president of COP26, Frédérique Bedos, producer, director and founder of the Imagine Project, and Samuel Durand, author of the documentary Work in Progress, will challenge us with their vision and their ambition. The programme includes: a plenary session with an impact to mark the 10th anniversary of rev3, ” experiences” on the future of work, the mobilisation of its stakeholders, inclusion and diversity, and networking throughout the day and during lunches, organised in small groups. The World Forum will be a place for debate, a meeting place to get to know each other better and to cooperate more effectively, and an accelerator for transformation, in order to leverage our impact. For our region and our planet.

6th October 2022: Valenciennes [Serre Numérique] 

Conference, workshops, networking: this session will highlight the synergies and successes of the Grand Hainaut region.

26th April 2022: Douai

To celebrate its 30th anniversary, Auddicé organised the 6th edition of the “Rencontres Entreprises Territoires Développement Durable” (Meetings of Companies and Territories for Sustainable Development), in partnership with the World Forum for a Responsible Economy. On the theme of biodiversity and CSR, participants were able to discover best practices and keys to progress in their approach.

 Discover the testimonials of the event: